Caramelized Onions
A favorite of all visitors
To The farm
Who can handle our no-nonsense cooking?
4 large white or yellow Onions.
We like them on the sweeter side and always prefer them fresh out of the garden. Onions are easy to grow anywhere, especially if you start with onion bulbs.
Fresh thyme to taste.
You can use dried thyme as well but that is a little lame.
Two (two serving) cubes of vegetable broth.
This should be the dried kind. If you like things less salty you can get away with only one but that certifies we don’t have any similar genetic make-up.
1/4 Cup of Olive Oil
1/2 of Parmesan Cheese.
If you are a Harris, you would use 1 and 1/2 to 2 cups.
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